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Hello I'm Christophe, I've been working in data engineering for the past 8 years and I'm fond of everything that is data related since day one.

I want to give back to the community, since the beginning I learned so much by myself thanks to all the resources we can find online. Now you will be able to find here a weekly newsletter regarding data engineering.

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How to learn data engineering

How to learn data engineering in 2024? This article will help you understand everything related to data engineering.

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A collection of data articles that you should read to remember 2022. Best data articles of 2022.

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Data News — Week 24.30

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Databricks, Snowflake and the future

Databricks and Snowflake summits featured major announcements, including open-sourcing their catalogs and enhancing Iceberg compatibility. This article covers all the key updates you need to know.